Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Money Week

This week our lesson was on money and how to earn it. We talked about the differences between coins and dollar bills. Then I put the boys to work around my house doing small jobs so they could earn their own money. They dried dishes,swept, vacuumed and wiped down my cars.They were such eager helpers. For our craft we colored piggy banks that they could keep their money in. Our color this week was green so for our snack we ate green apples,green candy frogs and green gatorade. For our game we played Penny-Penny who has the Penny. The boys got to take home their own chore charts so they can continue to learn how to work.


  1. So Cute! Send those boys on over to my house. I'm so sad that E missed it. I hope he is feeling better for the field trip Thursday.
