Yesterday at Blue Preschool, we were learning all about the letter P. We started with "Show and Tell." The kids all had items that started with the letter P: painting, popcorn, Power Ranger, puppets, puzzle, and the book

We read a couple of books,
Pirate Boy by Eve Bunting, and
Penguin by Polly Dunbar.
We watched a video of a peacock,
We did a worksheet about things that start with the letter P:

(I am impressed by how well some of the boys' coloring skills have progressed!)
We made collages of things cut from magazines that start with the letter P.
We had a snack of Popcorn, Peaches, Pineapple, and Pickles.

We made Puzzles from Popsicle sticks:

It was fun. I think that letter-themed lessons are definitely my favorite. They are so fun to teach and give me a lot of flexibility and give the boys a lot of variety!
nice pcs your design is realy good press this design on blue shirt ...