Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thanksgiving- Giving Thanks!

Today we had a great preschool for Thanksgiving. Here is my lesson plan:

Thanksgiving Gratitude Lesson
Objective: Students will learn about gratitude, what we can be thankful for, and how to give thanks.  Students will also learn how to form the letter T and learn what it says- be able to recognize and name the oval shape- be able to recognize and name the color brown- and recognize and form a number 8 and count up to 8.
Gathering Activity: Play-dough.  Boys will be able to play with the play-dough when they arrive and each have their own ball that will be put into a plastic baggie with their name on it for further use. 
Welcome: Welcome song, pledge, calendar, and weather. Here is T as the star helper!
Introduce: Color BROWN- sign brown and look at brown fabric then point out brown objects in the room. Number 8- form a letter 8 with play-dough and practice counting to 8 together.  Letter T- tuh, tuh, tuh (Turkey)- each form a letter T with play-dough.  OVAL shape- say oval and form an oval with play-dough.
Use all the information to create some tuh tuh tuh Turkeys!- Brown color with 8 ovals.  Have each kids pick 8 oval feathers for their turkey then bring them to the table and show them how to make the turkeys with glue.  While turkeys are being made one kid at a time will go to the bathroom with Teacher W to get hands painted for place mats.  clean up for snack- clean hands and table off.
Free Play
Snacktime/Storytime:  Use half apples, toothpicks, marshmallows, and raisins to make Apple turkeys- then eat! Discuss how Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for all that we have and there are so many things in our lives that we can be thankful for.  Like in this book: My Book of Thanks by B. G. Hennessy.
Discussion: Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for all that we have.  Another way to say that we want to give thanks is to say we are grateful. 
Grateful Song: "If you’re grateful and you know it, clap your hands… stomp your feet… spin around…"
We can give thanks by saying thank you and helping others.  There are so many things in our lives that we can be grateful for.  Like in the My Book of Thanks and in this song:
Let’s Be Thankful song: (to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Let's be thankful for this day
For our friends and our play
Let's be thankful; let's be glad
For our food and the things we have
Let's give thanks for you and me
And our home and family.
It makes people happy when we tell them thank you.  We especially need to say thank you to our Father in Heaven for all that he has given us. 
Thank you jars: Brainstorm things that we can be thankful for- each kid takes a turn and we write it on their oval and stick it in their thank you jar along with a few others that will already be filled out- family, sun, food, bed, clothes, friends, happiness, no owies, no sickness, blue preschool, etc.  The jars will have this little poem I wrote on them:
This Jar is for you to use on your way
To help you be thankful night and day
At time for prayers just pick one or more
And you’ll always have something to be thankful for
 Place mats: After place mats are dry attach poem and draw feet, beak, and wattle.
"This turkey is a part of me—
It is made from my hand you see.
I have so much to be thankful for,
like my family and so much more.
 It is time to say:

Boys can use this place mat for our Thanksgiving feast on Thursday and remember as we eat our big yummy meal that we should think of all the things that we are thankful for. 

(P was not able to come today because he was sick.  We missed him and hope he feels better soon!)


  1. Sorry, I didn't realize that I had put a picture up of the kid's gratitude jars with their names on it- I fixed it now so we should be good.

  2. Is there a way to get a printable of the placemat template? Would like to use with my preschool class.

  3. I would also love like to have a template for the placemats for my preschool classroom thank you
